After the Jacobsen case referred to the potential criminal liability of insurance lawyers for violating 440.105 3 c and 440.105 4 e, the Special Interests in Tallahassee who control the Legislative process are moving to protect Insurance lawyers and the Judges from Criminal liability.
The Florida Workers Compensation Law, Chapter 440, was written by the Insurance Industry. The Insurance & Employer Lobbyists than donated heavily to their elected lapdogs in the Legislature who passed the law almost verbatim. While Florida was distracted by the 2003 Special Session called by JEB Bush over Terry Schiavo, JEB and his cohorts slipped the terrible new Workers Compensation Law past Floridians. The Courts are now forced to admit that the law is unconstitutional, but every time a portion is struck down by the Courts, Corruption reigns supreme and the language is tweaked to keep the Special Interests happy.
Floridians cannot sleep through another attack on their Constitutional rights. Since the JEB Bush attacks were passed in 2003, the overall claims filed for injured workers has dropped from over 150,000 to 61,000. The 60% decline is directly related to the erosion of the injured Workers Rights and the unconstitutional limitations unilaterally applied against workers and their lawyers. Not surprisingly, the Legislature passed HB 941 last year, allowing EXCESS profits for workers compensation insurance companies.